Neutral is Key!
There are lots of tips to get your home ready to sell. If preparation doesn't seem worth the effort, you may want to consult a professional stager. Remember, the amount of $ return you will get may outweigh what you put into it. One of my #1 Recommendations is NEUTRAL Why? If you go neutral ALL buyers can imagine their own decor in the home. Remember they're not there to admire your things, they're there to buy a home for themselves. Neutral Linens, Neutral Colors, and plain texture helps immensely!
Pet owners; 2 major areas you NEED to not overlook. The areas your pet lays and spreads hair, and the area they may frequently soil. Nothing turns a buyer away faster than a bad pet smell, or a pet mess. Not all buyers will be understanding as many buyers don't have pets. If you do not know how to effectively remove pet odors PLEASE hire a professional cleaner. Also, for first preference is take your pets out of the home- on a walk, to a friends- if you can't second preference for showings is invest in a pet carrier. Buyers won't be crazy about your barking dog, but if you put him in a corner of a room they're not likely to spend a ton of time in, say a second bedroom in the corner, they probably won't mind. For times you have to work and cannot remove your pet it's much safer to have it in a kennel or carrier for a showing. Nothing is more disturbing than to hear your pet has been accidentally let loose during a showing, or even worse to have bit a potential buyer.
Also, I need for your home to be clean. If you regularly keep a clean home, GREAT! If you don't, I do recommend hiring a professional cleaning company. They are less expensive than you'd think, and pretty readily available. If you can't afford to spend on a cleaning service but aren't sure if you are really cleaning well, here's an online guide.
Got clutter? Look around....
If you said yes, then you have clutter. Don't get me wrong- I have clutter! Right now my dining table has school work, a stack of folded laundry, my cell phone, my child's flash cards from schools, and my centerpiece vase of flowers- but this is WAY too cluttered to be on the market. As hard as it may feel, put away your extra items in boxes or rubbermaids and store them. First recommendation would be a storage unit or pod, but if that's not financially feasible, stack the boxes in a garage, basement, attic, or even under a bed with a bedskirt- but get it out of sight! Don't worry.... you're moving so you've saved yourself time. But if you don't you probably won't be moving anytime soon. Clutter can be busy draperies, bed quilts, and wallpaper as well- if you have plain or neutral that's best. Buyers are there to buyer your home, not your stuff- let them focus and see your home!
Sparse Counters: HIDE your appliances and clutter
Neutral Bath. Fluffy white towels. Ambiance.
Clean Living. Remove Personal Photos.
Get the House Ready
A house that "sparkles" on the surface will sell faster than its shabby neighbor, even though both are structurally well-maintained.
From experience, REALTORS® also know that a "well-polished" house appeals to more buyers and will sell faster and for a higher price. Additionally, buyers feel more comfortable purchasing a well-cared for home because if what they can see is maintained, what they can't see has probably also been maintained. In readying your house for sale, consider:
How much should you spend
In preparing your home for the market, spend as little money as possible. Buyers will be impressed by a brand new roof, but they aren't likely to give you enough extra money to pay for it. There is a big difference between making minor and inexpensive "polishes" and "touch-ups" to your house, such as putting new knobs on cabinets and a fresh coat of neutral paint in the living room, and doing extensive and costly renovations, like installing a new kitchen. Your REALTOR®, who is familiar with buyers' expectations in your neighborhood, can advise you specifically on what improvements need to be made. Don't hesitate to ask for advice.
Maximizing exterior and curb appeal
Before putting your house on the market, take as much time as necessary (and as little money as possible) to maximize its exterior and interior appeal. Most buyers decide on a home within the first couple minutes- walk in from the time a buyer first comes onto your property, and into the first few steps. What did they see? Would they want it? Tips to enhance your home’s exterior and curb appeal:
Maximizing interior appeal
Enhance your home’s interior by:
(From Realtor Magazine)